Find out how to save money when you move overseas, a process than can be expensive if you’re not careful.
Moving abroad is an exciting prospect for many of us looking for new opportunity, whether professional or personal. Despite all the benefits, there are of course downsides to a move like this, in particular, the financial side of things. The bottom line is that moving internationally can cost a lot of money. It isn’t enough to stop you living your dreams of course, but it is important to try and keep costs down as much as possible, so you’ve more to fund your brand new chapter abroad. Here are our top 5 tips to help you save money when you move abroad:
Think Carefully About Sea Or Air Freight
There is often a huge difference between the price of sea or air freight, so it pays to think carefully about which one you need to use. Sea freight is usually the cheapest but it also takes the longest, so it works the best for transporting most of your things. Freight companies often work with self storage facilities so your possessions can be safely stored until the cargo ship departure date. If you do want anything with you right away then paying more for air freight makes sense.
Do Everything As Soon As You Can
Last-minute doesn’t really work all that well for moving abroad so the sooner you can get things organised, the better. Things like house sales, packing, booking transportation for your family, pets and belongings, having the pets vaccinated (and yourself) and documented – all take a lot of time. The more you can get sorted out in advance, the better. You’re also more likely to get the best rates by sorting things out quickly.
Shop Around
Shopping around means you get to choose the best value quote. Don’t jump at the first service or company offering what you need when you have the chance to get the best rates by comparing and even haggling. Even the smallest savings add up in the end.
Get The Cheapest Flights
Cheap flights are all about timing so you’ll want to stay eagle eyed for the best rates, and definitely don’t leave things until the last minute as that will cost more in this instance. Use sites like Skyscanner and Jacks Flight Club for cheap flight alerts to potentially save hundreds or even thousands off your Brazil flight costs.
Ditch The Clutter
Get rid of anything you do not need to take with you, so you’re not paying for extra space at your new home, extra storage space at home or abroad, and so you’re not paying to move items you do not need around. Check out this guide to decluttering for tips if it seems overwhelming.
Hopefully these five tips have helped you feel a little more in control of keeping the costs down, when it comes to your big move overseas. There will always be costs involved in moving overseas, but you can minimise them by following tips like the ones above, and by being clever with your budgeting and costs.