I find Christmas guides beyond helpful when it comes to choosing the right gifts, so I couldn’t wait to share one of my own & this time we’re talking Fitness. If you’re not sure what to buy the fitness friend or loved one in your life or perhaps you’re loving working out and want to know what to add to your Christmas list, then this post is for you! I’ve also popped a smaller list below full of some of my favourite gifts from smaller or new businesses.
Smaller brand awareness, now more than ever it’s important to show the love to startups or smaller business and these are some of my absolute favourites which will be going in stockings and as presents to loved ones this Christmas.
- Kettleboobs, my go-to kettlebell and the brand i’ve used for 4 years!
- Yoki Acupressure Mat & Pillow bundle, perfect to help relieve stress and anxiety
- ChoconCho, because once you’ve done all the hard work it feels damn good eating it!
- Buff Bombs, Picture Arnold Schwarzenegger as a bath bomb and you’re not going to get much closer than this, forget bath bombs, these buff bombs are jam packed with magnesium-rich Epsom salts, help widen your blood vessels to boost your recovery and soak the soreness out of your muscles.
Have a gift you think should be on this list? Pop it in the comments or send me a link so that I can add! Happy shopping & let me know how your gift went down!