Find out how to keep pests away from your self storage unit and home in this handy article.
Statistics tell us that pest callouts to Local Authorities are decreasing year on year, but that doesn’t mean pests don’t still cause many of us problems.
Nobody wants to deal with pests in the home, which are essentially any unwanted animal or insect in your property. They can cause electrical damage, structural damage, cause hygiene issues and at the very least, are really annoying.
Although there are services to help with pests, many people would rather not resort to pest control services, or poisons in order to get rid of pests, or deter them. Oftentimes, pest issues aren’t bad enough to even warrant a call out or detailed pest-control approach.
The best approach is usually to work hard to prevent pests coming into your home, garage and any cheap self storage. In the event there are pests, you can then take some initial steps to get rid of them before calling in extra help. You can do all of this without using any chemicals. Here’s how:
Citrus Peels
Citrus peels are known to deter a wide range of pests such as ants and mosquitoes. They can even deter animals like feral cats from coming into your garden as they don’t like citrus either. Simply rub citrus peels around doorways and windowsills to prevent pests coming into your home.
White Vinegar
White vinegar is a great way to deal with ants that just won’t quit coming in. Even if you destroy the ants, other ants from the nest will continue to follow the chemicals left by the ants before. White vinegar effectively clears away those chemicals which should deter further ants coming in.
Cleaning Up Food Debris
Food debris in open bins, dropped on the floor, on unwashed plates or even in fruit bowls (rotten fruit at the bottom of the bowl) will encourage fruit flies, ants and even mice and rats. Cleaning up food debris in your home is really important as to avoid pests being attracted to your home. In addition, ensuring bins are sealed shut will stop animals causing havoc outside your home. You may also want to ensure organic matter in your self storage unit or garage are also properly locked away again to prevent pests being tempted in.
Planting certain herbs such as citronella (often seen in candles) around the windows and doors of your home will help to deter pests.
Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth
When dry, diatomaceous earth is a really great pest control option because the powder damages insects skeleton and eventually causes them to dehydrate. You can use it for fungus gnats which can otherwise be hard to control because they lay their eggs in the soil.
Avoid Soggy Plants
Misting and overwatering indoor plants can make them more prone to pests, not to mention root rot. Misting has not been proven to be especially helpful to plants that like humidity because they need constant humidity which can only be achieved using a humidifier. So, it is best not to mist your plants and also only water plants when the first few inches of soil have dried out. Lastly, remove any dead leaves and detritus and make sure if you bottom water your plants that excess water isn’t left in the pot.
There’s A Lot You Can Do To Stop Pests Taking Over Your Home Naturally
The above options are just a few of the available natural solutions to indoor pest control. The chances are, by making the effort to keep your home clean and full of natural pest-deterrents you won’t have to call in pest control any time soon.