Short on time, but desperate for some existentially-redefining delicious food? Well dear reader, look no further, for these seriously-yum & super-easy-to-make ROCKET ROLLS are precisely what you’ve been looking for. Search your feelings, you know this to be true. They look so pretty & are guaranteed to impress all possible guests with their colourful, versatile & healthy ingredients. They are also the perfect lunch to take to work, given how neat and filling they are. Aside from that delectable sauce, the ingredients are all pretty healthy, consisting mainly of fresh veggies and herbs – they combine to deliver a proper knockout flavoursome punch! When it comes to the dressing, it has quite a rich essence and therefore you don’t actually need to use that much of it. The rolling of the rice sheets can demand some dexterity, but frankly by the third one, you’re guaranteed to get the hang of it. Click MORE to see the full recipe – I hope you love them as much as I do!
The post HOME-MADE HEALTHY ROCKET ROLLS! appeared first on Fitness on Toast.