Written By Lee On October 31, 2020
There’s only one trick to making these Dracula and Frankenstein treats and that is to spend extra time smashing the avocado!
They’re simple for the kids to make (get mum or dad or caregiver to help with the chopping) and they make a dreadful addition to your bootiful Halloween party.
All you need is:
- 2 slices of bread toasted for face
- 2 sheets seaweed for hair and mouth
- 2 cashews for ears
- 1 TBS fresh mozzerella for eyes
- 3 blueberries
- 1 small Roma tomato (ends cut for eyes)
- 1 small capsicum
- 1 pumkin seed kernel for nose
Toast the bread, meanwhile smash the avocado in a bowl
Smooth avocado over the toast
Cut out the Dracula and Frankenstein hair and teeth
Cut two circles of mozzerella for eyes
Slice capsicum for mouth and fangs
Once all the ingredients are prepared decorate as you like!
Happy Halloween!
Lee xo