We all want to lead a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise can help us to do that. But, sometimes exercise can be taken too far. We’ve all heard the saying “no pain, no gain”. However, in reality; if you are in pain when working out then you are doing something wrong.
Regular exercise helps to burn fat and keep your body and heart healthy. So, whether you are trying to lose weight, gain muscle tone or simply lead a healthy life; exercise is generally a good thing to do. If your body is not used to exercise, however, or if you are trying to gain more muscle then you have had before, you can often go wrong with exercise and end up doing your body more harm than good.
Don’t push your body too far
Pain is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. So, if you are experiencing pain when exercising then you need to pay attention to it. If you are new to exercise, then you may experience breathlessness or discomfort during exercise. However, you should not feel pain. If your muscles hurt, then they are being stretched too far. You risk serious injury such as a strain or muscle tear if you continue.
Even if you exercise regularly, you may still experience pain during your work out. This is especially true if you have increased your exercise regime recently. It is a common misconception that pain means that your body is getting a good workout as it is being stretched to its limits. But, this could not be further from the truth. If your body is in pain, then you are not working your muscles properly at all. So, the likelihood is that you won’t experience then gains and improvement you are hoping for.
Gains without pain
If you are new to exercise, then you should aim to introduce your body into your new healthy regime gradually and responsibly. Build-up a sensible exercise program over time to allow your body to get used to the increased tasks you are expecting of it. Your muscles will need time to build up and your lungs and heart will need to get used to the extra work they will need to do when you exercise. Don’t be afraid to start small with a brisk walk once a day rather than going straight into running. Your body will thank you for it and you are more likely to stick to an exercise program you find challenging but not too hard.
Before beginning any exercise, you should thoroughly stretch your muscles to get them loose before you begin to prevent injury. if you are just joining a gym it is often a good idea to have an induction session with a personal trainer who can help create an exercise plan which is personalised to you and your current fitness level. Don’t try and keep up with someone else who may have been working out for a while. Remember, everybody your own exercise plan should reflect this.
If you experience any type of chest pain during exercise, it is important to stop exercising immediately and seek the advice of a doctor.